発表タイトル Color Psychology Based Approach for Affective Human-Robot Interaction
筆者氏名・所属 Sichao Song*1(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI))
Seiji Yamada*1,2(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI),National Institute of Informatics)
アブストラクト Humans often find it hard to understand behavior and intention of appearance-constrained robots. Hence,there is a significant challenge in finding effective methods for such robots to express themselves. In this paper,we investigate expressive light as an affective interaction modality and evaluate its effect on human's perception and interpretation of a Roomba robot. By using the lights,we are enabling the robot to modify its appearance as a method of communicating with people and,moreover,to assist users in forming correct conceptual model of the robot. To explore this,we first survey color psychology theories with regard to color and its effect on human psychological functioning to support our design on expressive lights. We find that two particular colors,red and green,have strong but contrary effects on humans. On the basis of such theoretical groundings,we conduct three experiments and find significant effects of expressive lights on people's perceptions and interpretations of a robot.
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