発表タイトル 仮想現実空間内の集団において対人距離の規範を考慮して移動するロボットの印象調査
筆者氏名・所属 布施 陽太郎(関西大学大学院)
徳丸 正孝(関西大学)
アブストラクト We evaluate our proposed robotic navigation model that helps determine a robot's position when there are changes in the human's personal space in a human--robot community. Determining a robot's position is important not only to avoid collisions with humans but also to maintain a socially acceptable distance with humans. The inter--personal space depends on the situation that they face. Therefore,robots should consider the changes of their personal space. In this paper,we evaluate the trajectory that the proposed model generates in a virtual reality environment. Our results show that the trajectories that the proposed model generates are appropriate and natural for humans.
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