Title Influences of Gender Values into Interaciton with Agents: An Experiment Using a Small-Sized Robot
Authors Tatsuya Nomura (Ryukoku University)
Kentaro Hayata (Ryukoku University)
Abstract To investigate the influences of humansf gender values in Human-Agent Interaction, the research conducted an experiment using a small-sized robot having no explicit gender cue (Yorisoi Ifbot) and a psychological scale measuring some types of gender values (the M-H-F scale). As a result, it was found: (1) participantsf gender attribution to the agent was related only with their active impression of the agent negatively, which had no correlation with their gender values, (2) although participantsf passive impression of the agent did not influence their gender attribution to the agent, it was related with their values of masculinity and feminity, which were strongly correlated each other, and (3) participantsf value of masculinity and gender attribution affected their behaviors such as their time spent for interaction and numbers of smiles during interaction with the agent.
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