Aug.7(Wed) | Aug.8(Thu) | Aug.9(Fri)

Oral Session II-1 : Estimating User's Intention

II-1-1 Estimating User Interruptibility by Measuring Table-top Pressure
Takahisa Tani (Sokendai)
Seiji Yamada (NII)
II-1-2 Intention Recognition and Object Recommendation System using Deep Auto-encoder based Affordance Model
Sangwook Kim (Kyungpook National University)
Swathi Kavuri (Kyungpook National University)
Minho Lee (Kyungpook National University)
II-1-3 Unsupervised gesture recognition system for learning manipulative actions in virtual basketball
Divesh Lala (Kyoto Univrersity)
Toyoaki Nishida (Kyoto University)
Yasser Mohammad (Kyoto University)
II-1-4 Classifications of Driving Patterns Using a Supervised Learning Method for Human-Vehicle Interaction
Yongho Jo (KAIST)
Dong-Soo Kwon (KAIST)

  coffee break


Oral Session II-2 : Social Aspects of HAIB

II-2-1 Investigating Appropriate Relative Position of User and AR Character Agent for Communication Using AR WoZ System
Reina Aramaki (Toyo University)
Makoto Murakami (Toyo University)
II-2-2 Robots that Can Feel the Mood: Adaptive Interrupts in Conversation Using the Activity of Communications
Akira Imayoshi (Hokkaido University)
Hiroshi Yoshikawa (Hokkaido University)
Nagisa Munekata (Hokkaido University)
Tetsuo Ono (Hokkaido University)
II-2-3 Social Trash Box Robot: Behavior Parsing and Goal Inferences in Dynamic Interactions
Tatsuya Mori (Toyohashi University of Technology )
Shohei Sawada (Toyohashi University of Technology )
Ravindra De Silva (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Michio Okada (Toyohashi University of Technology)
II-2-4 Development of an interactive digital signage based on F-formation system
Yu Kobayashi (Tokyo Polytechnic University )
Masahide Yuasa (Shonan Institute of Technology)
Daisuke Katagami (Tokyo Polytechnic University)

lunch break


Plenary Talk II

gHatsune Mikuh as an Interface
Hiroyuki Itoh (Crypton Future Media)

coffee break


Interactive Session

II-p1 Agentphobia and Emotional Labor: How Human-Agent Interaction Contributes to the Preservation of our Humanity
Hirotaka Osawa (University of Tsukuba)
II-p2 The Invisible Naked Guy: An exploration of a minimalistic robot
Michael Partridge (HIT Lab NZ)
Christoph Bartneck (University of Canterbury)
II-p3 Cooking Support with a Robotic Agent -Mincing an Onion-
Yu Suzuki (Miyagi University)
Shunsuke Morioka (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Hirotada Ueda (Kyoto Sangyo University)
II-p4 Investigation of Object-indicating Behaviors ~ Between Spacial Difficulty and Robot's Degree of Freedom ~
Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai University)
Hirotake Yamazoe (Osaka University)
II-p5 Secretary Agent for Mediating Interaction Initiation
Takahiro Tanaka (TUAT)
Kinya Fujita (TUAT)
II-p6 Abotar: An Expressive Method of Web Communication using Appearances of Avatars Attached to Text Messages and Remarks
Yukari Nakatani (Kansai University)
Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai University)
II-p7 SCoViA: Effectiveness of spatial communicative virtual agent based on motion parallax
Naoto Yoshida (Kansai university)
Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai University)
II-p8 A method for gcomposingh tactile sense and its application for Human Agent Interaction
Yasuhiro Suzuki (Nagoya Univ.)
Rieko Suzuki (Facetherapie Co.Ltd, Keio Univ.)
II-p9 Open Source Affect Analysis System with Extensions
Michal Ptaszynski (Kitami Institute of Technology)
Fumito Masui (Kitami Institute of Technology)
Pawel Dybala (Otaru University of Commerce)
Rafal Rzepka (Hokkaido University)
Kenji Araki (Hokkaido University)
II-p10 Manipulation of Virtual Robotic Arm Using 2D Pointing Device
Masatoshi Sato (Hokkaido University)
Hidetoshi Nonaka (Hokkaido University)
Johannes Mikulasch (Technische Universitat Munchen)
Takeshi Yoshikawa (Hokkaido University)
Masanori Sugimoto (Hokkaido University)
II-p11 Two Contributions to Foster Human Agent Interaction, the MCS Theory of Cognition and the Piaget Integrative Environment
Jean-Daniel Dessimoz (HESSO.HEIG-VD Western Switzerl)
Pierre-Fran?ois Gauthey (HESSO.HEIG-VD)
II-p12 Effects of an Agent Feature Comprehension on the Emotional Attachment of Users
Yoshito Ogawa (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University)
Kaho Harada (School of Human Sciences, Waseda University)
Hideaki Kikuchi (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University)
II-p13 Chat-like Spoken Dialog System for a Multi-party Dialog Incorporating Two Agents and a User
Ryota Nishimura (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Yuki Todo (Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technol)
Kazumasa Yamamoto (Toyota National College of Technology, Japan)
Seiichi Nakagawa (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology)
II-p14 Mako-no-Te: To Explore Side-to-Side Communication through the Intersubjectectivity
Naoki Yamamoto (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Kenta Fukamachi (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Yasutaka Takeda (Toyohashi University of Technology)
P. Ravindra S De Silva (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Michio Okada (Toyohashi University of Technology)
II-p15 A Movie-watching System by Muliple Telepresence Robots
Yonezawa Ken (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Hirotada Ueda (Kyoto Sangyo University)
II-p16 Behavior Primitives for End-User NPC Behavior Creation
Daniel J. Rea (University of Manitoba)
Takeo Igarashi (The University of Tokyo)
James E. Young (University of Manitoba)
II-p17 Evaluating How the Humanfs Impression Formation of Robots is Effected by the Relation between the Robots
Megumi Tsujimoto (Hokkaido University)
Nagisa Munekata (Hokkaido University)
Tetsuo Ono (Hokkaido University)
II-p18 Agents on Robots: Mixed Reality Robots with Changeable Appearances depending on the Situation
Wataru Kodama (Hokkaido University)
Nagisa Munekata (Hokkaido University)
Tetsuo Ono (Hokkaido University)
II-p19 Can we perceive animacy from artficial agents? : A brain ERP study using a motion Turing Test
Haruaki FUKUDA (The University of Tokyo)
Kazuhiro Ueda (The University of Tokyo)
II-p20 Explanation for Human Sensitive Response to a Humanlike Agent Focusing on Amygdalar Function
Yoshimasa Tawatsuji (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University)
Keiichi Muramatsu (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University)
kazuaki Kojima (Learning Technology Laboratory, Teikyo University)
Tatsunori Matsui (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University)
II-p21 Motion Intention Recognition for Wearable Power Assist System using Multi-Class SVM and Kinematic Model
Masatoshi Kimura (Toyota Technological Institute)
Michihiro Kawanishi (Toyota Technological Institute)
Tatsuo Narikiyo (Toyota Technological Institute)
II-p22 The proposal of the agent robot design to realize lifelike motion using the rotary joint
Mitsuru Muramatsu (Keio University)
Yusuke Kamiyama (Keio University)
Shunji Yamanaka (The University of Tokyo)
II-p23 Arabic Accented Facial Expressions for a 3D Agent
Amna AlZeyara (Carnegie Mellon University)
Micheline Ziadee (Carnegie Mellon University)
Majd F. Sakr (Carnegie Mellon University)
II-p24 The effect of delay time for response to action on the sense of living organisms
Ayano Yoshida (Future University Hakodate)
Shigeru Sakurazawa (Future University Hakodate)
II-p25 Effect of Entrainment Phenomena to Intimacy of Firefly Robots
Shigeru Sakurazawa (Future University Hakodate)
Hiroko Nishi (Future University Hakodate)
Hitomi Ishikawa (Future University Hakodate)
II-p26 Model of Tricking using Belief on Unobservable Other
Takashi Omori (Tamagawa University)
Kazuhiro Okutani (Nippon Chemi-Con Corp.)


Aug.7(Wed) | Aug.8(Thu) | Aug.9(Fri)