Title Two Contributions to Foster Human Agent Interaction, the MCS Theory of Cognition and the Piaget Integrative Environment
Authors Jean-Daniel Dessimoz (HESSO.HEIG-VD Western Switzerl)
Pierre-Francois Gauthey (HESSO.HEIG-VD)
Abstract Humans now develop smart devices and techniques, but two critical challenges appear. One is to rigorously define and quantitatively estimate cognition processes and entities; the other one to coordinate heterogeneous resources. Cognition is the capability to generate pertinent output information, depending on circumstances. Additional definitions are proposed in cognitive and machine contexts, for key notions, including á agent, interaction, and mediationâ. A brief overview of MCS theory for cognition is presented. Cognition must be grounded in the real-world ; therefore we have created Piaget, an environment for development, programming, and real-time control of complex robotized systems, presented here in terms of strategic requirements, and main capabilities. Finally, three examples illustrate how, with Piaget, to estimate cognitive quantities, to support multimodal human-agent interaction, as well as to manage interactions betweeen human and robots, with mediation by a humanoid.
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