Title Appearance and Physical Presence of Anthropomorphic Media in Parallel with Non-face-to-face Communication
Authors Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai University)
Noriko Suzuki (Doshisha University)
Kenji Mase (Nagoya University)
Kiyoshi Kogure (Kanagawa Institute of Technology)
Abstract Puppets could become a new tool for expressive communication, in parallel with tra- ditional communication channels in human-human interaction. This research aimed to verify the effectiveness of appearance and embodied presence of anthropomorphic media. In this paper, we focused on a usage of the anthropomorphic medium and the userfs conscious or under-conscious behaviors in parallel to non-face-to-face conversation. We conducted a non-face-to-face conversa- tional experiment by adopting a stuffed-toy robot.
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