発表タイトル Designing nudge agents that promote human altruism
筆者氏名・所属 Hang Chenlin ( The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI))
Ono Tetsuo (Hokkaido University)
Yamada Seiji (National Institute of Informatics, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI))
アブストラクト Previous studies have found out that Nudge is a key technology to promote altruism in human-human interaction. It seems that Nudge is a potential and effective mechanism for promoting the Altruistic behavior. But in the field of human-agent interaction (HAI), there is still a lack of study on confirming the effect of Nudge to altruism. In this work, we experimentally investigated nudge techniques are useful to implement nudge agents which can promote human altruism in HAI. The experiments were conducted online with peak&end effect and multiple views as independent variables and the results were treated statistically.
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