発表タイトル Empirical investigation of factors to influence human presence and agency in telepresence robots
筆者氏名・所属 Yun Nungduk (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI), National Institute of Informatics)
Yamada Seiji (National Institute of Informatics, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI))
アブストラクト These days, we see a lot of types and research about telepresence robots, and most of people feel human presence at robots with a human face. However, people even feel human presence at the robot face from user ‘s feedback. Although serval people may feel agency from robot-face. Some telepresence robots don’t have arms’ motions still feel human’s presence. We conducted a two-ways ANOVA experiment (robot face: video-conference vs robot-like face; arms’ motions: move vs static), between-participants study (n=128) to investigate which factors significantly influent human presence and agency.
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