発表タイトル Reproducing Personality for Virtual Agent System
筆者氏名・所属 呉 意 (公立はこだて未来大学 システム情報科学研究科)
角 薫 (公立はこだて未来大学)
アブストラクト With the rapid growth in cost of human labor and needs for solving more complicated tasks as well as enhancing user experience, a more functional and believable virtual agent is crucial to the current situation, which requires the agent to convey a convincing personality and a stable emotion state. Although lots of research has investigated how different portraits influence the perceiving of personality, no research has been found that offers a relatively integrated and feasible virtual agent system. Therefore, this research analyzed existing results on conversational functions, facial expressions and body motions, and integrated them into one virtual agent system. A series of questionnaire studies are first conducted to optimize the effect of characters’ facial blend shapes for expressing six basic emotions, and to further examine the validity of which. After the implementation of the system, an experiment is conducted to examine the reliability and validity of the developed system. Two virtual agents are built for the experiment, designed to convey an introverted and unconfident personality and an extraverted and confident personality. Participants are instructed to give an interview to these two agents and enroll one afterwards. During the experiment, several questionnaires are also filled out, regarding participants’ own personality and agents’ personalities. The result shows that the developed agents are successfully perceived with the intended personalities. But on the contrary to the expectations that the participants’ preferences depend on the similarity between both parties’ personalities, no significative correlations support such expectations.
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