発表タイトル 人工家族 ~スマートホームからスイートホームへ~
筆者氏名・所属 杁山 祐貴 (名古屋大学工学研究科情報・通信工学専攻 佐藤・小川研究室)
石井 誠也 (名古屋大学工学研究科情報・通信工学専攻 佐藤・小川研究室)
佐藤 理史 (大学院工学研究科 情報・通信工学専攻 情報システム 教授)
小川 浩平 (大学院工学研究科 情報・通信工学専攻 情報システム 准教授)
アブストラクト Recently, the low cost of devices and the improvement of the environment have made it easy for anyone to introduce smart home appliances and operate them remotely. On the other hand, the lack of widespread adoption of smart home appliances can be attributed in part to the lack of familiarity with voice commands and remote control to operate home appliances. In this reserch, we suggest an interface to anthropomorphize home appliances using a messaging application. We believe that by anthropomorphizing home appliances and having conversations with them as if they were family, the operation of smart home appliances will become more familiar and easier for people to use. We also devised an interpreter specialized for controlling home appliances, and built a system to interact with and operate smart home appliances via message applications.
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