発表タイトル Navigating Communication Patterns and Personalities in User Preference During Human-agent Interaction
筆者氏名・所属 WU YI (KEIO University)
Osawa Hirotaka (KEIO University)
アブストラクト This study delves into the dynamics of human-agent interaction (HAI), specifically focusing on how communication pattern and personalities influence user preferences of Embodied Virtual Agents (EVAs). Under the Big Five personality framework, we designed two personality-wise opposite EVAs - shy and confident - to examine such effect of conversation pattern on user preferences. The experiment involved an online survey with 87 participants, consisted of questionnaires, video evaluations, and interactive tasks. Results demonstrated significant differentiation in the agents' perceived personalities and revealed user preference for the shy agent, although the reasons remain to be elucidated. Factor analysis results also suggested that extraversion was negatively correlated with participants’ preference, while conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness were positively correlated with participants’ preference. These preliminary findings on the simultaneously effective factors of similarity-attraction principle and complementary-attraction principle are unprecedented and will be further investigated in our future work.
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