発表タイトル ジェンダー認識がロボットに対する不安と信頼関係期待に与える影響の探索
筆者氏名・所属 野村 竜也 (龍谷大学先端理工学部)
鈴木 公啓 (東京未来大学こども心理学部)
アブストラクト For the aim at clarifying influences of not only humans’ biological sex but also gender identity on their feelings and behaviors toward robots and their differences dependent on types of robots, the research conducted an online survey (N = 500) for the exploration. The survey measured expectation of rapport with, anxiety toward behaviors of and interaction with male androids, female androids, and mechanical humanoid robots respectively. For these measures as dependent variables linear regression analyses with biological sex, male/female gender identity as independent variables were conducted on each of robot type. The analysis results suggested that these gender identities had statistically significant effects on rapport expectation of and anxiety toward female androids and mechanical humanoids.
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