発表タイトル 外部情報を使用した英会話学習支援システム
筆者氏名・所属 山口 真央 (同志社大学)
河野 誠也 (理化学研究所GRP)
Garcia Contreras Angel (理化学研究所GRP)
吉野 幸一郎 (理化学研究所GRP)
飯尾 尊優 (同志社大学)
アブストラクト This study explores the impact of social robots that incorporate external information in conversations on language learning. The experiment involved four participants watching a video of a robot giving a scripted speech in English under two conditions: one with external information available and one without. The participants were asked questions related to the script. Experimental results indicate improved comprehension with external information, emphasizing its potential value in language learning. Additionally, the study underscores the influence of content types and delivery methods on learner comprehension, highlighting considerations for language learning system design using social robots.
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