発表タイトル ソーシャルネットワークにおける人間とAIの協働がもたらす集団的創造性
筆者氏名・所属 Shota Shiiku (Shizuoka University, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics)
Raja Marjieh (Princeton University)
Manuel Anglada-Tort (Goldsmiths College of London, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics)
Nori Jacoby (Cornell University, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics)
アブストラクト Generative AI is reshaping modern culture, enabling individuals to create high-quality outputs across domains such as images, text, and music. However, we know little about the impact of generative AI on collective creativity. This study investigates how human-AI interactions shape collective creativity within experimental social networks. We conducted large-scale online experiments with 973 participants and AI agents in a creative writing task. Participants (either humans or AI) joined 5×5 grid-based networks, and were asked to iteratively select, modify, and share stories. Initially, AI-only networks showed greater creativity (rated by a separate group of 100 human raters) and diversity than human-only and human-AI networks. However, over time, hybrid human-AI networks became more diverse in their creations than AI-only networks. In part, this is because AI agents retained little from the original stories, while human-only networks preserved continuity. These findings highlight the value of experimental social networks in understanding human-AI hybrid societies.
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