発表タイトル ボール型ロボットを用いた遊びによる 発達障害を持つ学生への社会性発達支援: パイロットスタディ
筆者氏名・所属 西川 碧 (中部大学大学院工学研究科)
イ ジェリョン (中部大学大学院工学研究科)
金 宣経 (筑波大学図書館情報メディア系)
岩井 祐一 (東京学芸大学附属特別支援学校)
アブストラクト Recently, there has been a surge in research exploring the use of robots as social support tools for individuals with developmental disabilities. This trend is driven by the potential of robots to capture children's attention through consistent responses and predictability, which are believed to facilitate natural social development. The present study investigates the use of a ball-shaped robot to assist in the social learning of children with developmental disabilities. An Arduino-based ball-shaped robot was designed and developed, and an experiment was conducted with nine students from a special needs school. The experiment involved one-on-one play sessions with the robot, during which the children's play behaviors and responses were evaluated using Electrodermal Activity (EDA) as a biometric measure. The results indicated that the majority of participants showed interest in the robot, and engagement levels were positively influenced by the robot's movements, leading to increased interaction with the robot.
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