発表タイトル 事例ベースを用いた擬人化エージェントのしぐさ表出
筆者氏名・所属 尾本和也 (東京工業大学(院)総合理工学研究科知能システム科学専攻)
岡田将吾 (東京工業大学(院)総合理工学研究科知能システム科学専攻)
新田克己 (東京工業大学(院)総合理工学研究科知能システム科学専攻)
アブストラクト Our goal of the research is to implement the embodied conversational agent which recognizes the transition of issues or topics in the discussion by users and generates the appropriate nonverbal behavior corresponding to the issues. In this paper, we analyze the nonverbal behavior of users by observing actual discussions and relationship between the nonverbal behavior and issues in the discussion. Moreover, we proposed the system that output candidates of nonverbal behavior which the agent generates by using issues as the input queries.The embodied conversational agent which works based on the proposed argument system can speak using text and output nonverbal behavior.
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