発表タイトルCreating Social Presence through a Disembodied Agent
筆者氏名・所属 Thibault VOISIN (Keio University)
Hirotaka OSAWA (National Institute of Informatics)
Seiji YAMADA (National Institute of Informatics)
Michita IMAI (Keio University)
アブストラクト Real-world agents have been quite widespread in the last years,and their ability to impose their presence by sharing a common real-world environment with the user has been widely studied. However,their use is restrained by the cost of space induced by the presence of their body in the real world. In this study,we thus propose a disembodied real-world agent and the study of the influence of this disembodiment on the social separation. In order to give a clue to the user about the presence of the robot and to make possible a visual feedback,we decided to use independent robotic body parts that mimic human hands and eyes. This robot will also be able to share real-world space with the user,and react to his presence,through 3d detection and oral communication. We thus can obtain an agent with an important presence,while keeping good space efficiency,and thus ban any existing social barrier.