発表タイトル Facilitating humans’ prosociality to robots with nudge technology
筆者氏名・所属 Hang Chenlin (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, National Institute of Informatics)
Ono Tetsuo (Hokkaido University)
Yamada Seiji (National Institute of Informatics, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
アブストラクト The nudge, which is an effective tactic for encouraging prosocial behaviors in human-human interaction. However, there is still a lack of research in the field of social robotics to confirm the impact of nudging on prosocial behavior. In this paper we use two nudge methods: peak end and multiple viewpoints and apply them into a video stimulus performed by social robots. The findings demonstrate that viewers who watched only one point of view exhibited more prosocial behavior. For extension of multiple viewpoints, we also conducted an experiment to see whether taking the perspective of different robots in a same robot-altruistic task would influence the prosocial behaviors of participants. These two studies provide an experimental basis for the development of socially conscious robots and serve as a direction for future study on the social interaction between robots and people.
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