発表タイトル ロボットにきものを着せる(1) 着物デザインの事例報告
筆者氏名・所属 小田 明佳 (地方独立行政法人京都市産業技術研究所)
知念 葉子 (京都光華女子大学)
鰀目 菜々 (京都光華女子大学)
原田 悦子 (筑波大学)
アブストラクト In the modern age when AI has permeated our lives, the development of wearable items for small household robots that are both practical and comforting is underway so that people can use them with a sense of attachment. In anticipation of global expansion, we focused on the kimono, a traditional Japanese costume, and worked on the design and sewing of the clothing for the communication robot RoBoHoN (SHARP). As a result of devising a drawing using a plane configuration from the measurement values of each part of the RoBoHoN body, we were able to clarify a method of creating a kimono that can adapt to each movement.
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