発表タイトル ロボットとの選択の一致を伴うインタラクションにおける共感の 構造モデル構築
筆者氏名・所属 中根 千貴 (早稲田大学人間科学部)
田和辻 可昌 (早稲田大学データ科学センター)
松居 辰則 (早稲田大学人間科学学術院)
アブストラクト We assumed that empathy emerges in interactions with the robot involving choice congruence. To create a structural model of this empathy, we conducted an experiment under a shopping situation. The results showed that when the participants’ ability to imagine and understand the robot’s thoughts was high, and when the percentage of agreement between the participants and the robot’s choice of product was high, their impression towards the robot was more positive, and they provided more assistance to the robot. We developed a model based on the conclusion that this is the result of empathy generation.
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