発表タイトル 生活の困りごとを高齢者から聞き取るロボット声かけの設計ー困りごとを打ち明ける関係性の構築に向けてー
筆者氏名・所属 熊谷 和実 (理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター)
アブストラクト For early dementia prevention, we are building a system that allows robots to ask older adults about difficulties needing help in daily life. To get answers from older adults about negative topics such as things they cannot do or difficult to achieve, we designed the robot's voice-call to include comments regarding things they cannot do in a positive light. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between older adults and robots that help them to disclose their difficulties in daily life. Additionally, we explain preliminary experiments that robots ask older adults about their issues needing help.
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