Anonymization Guidelines

Anonymization Procedure

The review process for HAI 2024 is double-blind, necessitating complete anonymization of all submissions. Authors are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Remove author and institutional identities from the cover page, acknowledgments section, and PDF metadata.
  • Institution information should also be omitted from the body of the text.
  • Additionally, authors are encouraged to minimize institutional affiliation markers from images and supplementary materials.
  • Citations to prior work should remain un-anonymized to facilitate a comprehensive review. However, authors citing their own prior work should refer to it in the third person (e.g., “Prior work by [6]…” rather than “Our prior work [6]…”).

Any submission found to violate the anonymization guidelines, including any element such as the full paper document, artifact, or supplementary materials, will be subject to desk rejection. In case of exceptional circumstances, authors are encouraged to contact the program chairs promptly.