Call for Full Papers

The HAI conference seeks contributions from a broad range of disciplines such as engineering, computer science, psychology, human-computer interaction, sociology, cognitive science, design, social sciences, humanities, ethics and philosophy, and business/marketing. We hope to be a venue to connect these diverse areas.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • studies of Human-Agent Interaction, with quantitative/qualitative results
  • theoretical models
  • technological advances
  • experimental methods
  • impacts of embodiment
  • character and avatar design
  • agents in applications, e.g. self-driving cars, social networks
  • agents in business and marking
  • experience design
  • autonomous and adaptive agents/systems

Important Dates:

Note: All deadlines are based on end of day (23:59) AoE time zone. Check your local time in AoE.

  • Full Paper Submission Deadline (Extended): 24th May 2024 7th June 2024 14th June 2024
  • Acceptance Notification Date: 31st July 2024
  • Camera-ready Deadline: 2nd September 2024

Note New ACM Open Access Publishing Model

Important note to authors about the new ACM open access publishing model:

ACM has introduced a new open access publishing model for the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS).

Further information may be found on the ACM website, as follows: