Prof. Ginevra Castellano

Ginevra Castellano is a Professor in Intelligent Interactive Systems at the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, where she leads the Uppsala Social Robotics Lab. Her research interests are in the areas of social robotics and affective computing, and include social learning, personalized adaptive robots, multimodal behaviours and uncanny valley effect in robots and virtual agents. She has published more than 100 research papers on these topics, receiving over 3000 citations. She was the coordinator of the EU FP7 EMOTE (EMbOdied-perceptive Tutors for Empathy-based learning) project (2012–2016). She is the recipient of a Swedish Research Council starting grant (2016–2020) and PI for Uppsala University of the EU Horizon 2020 ANIMATAS (Advancing intuitive human-machine interaction with human-like social capabilities for education in schools; 2018-2021) project, the COIN (Co-adaptive human-robot interactive systems) project, funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (2016–2021), and the project “The ethics and social consequences of AI & caring robots. Learning trust, empathy and accountability” (2020-2024), supported by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden. Castellano was a general co-chair at IVA 2017. She is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Human-Robot Interaction section and IEEE Transactions in Affective Computing. Castellano is a recipient of the 10-Year Technical Impact Award at the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2019.
Assoc. Prof. Selma Šabanović

Selma Šabanović is an Associate Professor of Informatics and Cognitive Science at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB). She founded and directs the R-House Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Lab at IUB. Her research combines the critical social studies of computing, focusing particularly on the design, use and consequences of socially interactive robots in different social and cultural contexts, with research on human-robot interaction (HRI). She has studied various applications of social robots, including eldercare, mental health, education, and in-home use, and performed comparative studies of robot design and user perceptions of robots in the US and Japan. Her research has been funded from the National Science Foundation, the Honda Research Institute, and IEEE. She currently serves on the HRI Conference steering committee, and as Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction. She recently co-authored the book “Human-Robot Interaction: An Introduction”, published by Cambridge University Press.
Sebastian Robertson, Co-Founder & CEO, BIRDI

Sebastian Robertson is a recognised entrepreneur and executive. Sebastian is the co-founder and CEO of BIRDI, a technology platform that enables businesses to integrate drones into their operations by providing an ‘end to end’ drone management platform. Working with clients such as Boral, NSW Government, Insurance Council of Australia and numerous local councils, BIRDI is helping to shape the Australian drone industry.
Prior to BIRDI, Sebastian founded the social enterprise batyr, a preventative mental health charity, and was its founding CEO for 5 years, establishing batyr as a national leader in innovative programs for young people in mental health. Sebastian remains actively involved in the organisation as its Chairman.
He complements his experience in innovation and social enterprise with a double degree in Economics and Commerce and previously worked in finance at GE (General Electric). Sebastian was named Sydney Social Entrepreneur of the Year by the School for Social Entrepreneurs as well as being recognised by his alma mater as Young Alumnus of the Year at the Australian National University.
All submissions need to be submitted by 23.59 HST Hawaii Standard Time.
Full Papers (4-8 pages):
22 June 2020 (Extended Deadline)
3 August 2020: Notification
30 August: Camera-Ready Submission
Posters (2 pages):
7 August 2020 (Extended Deadline) 17 August 2020: Notification
30 August: Camera-Ready Submission
Workshops/Tutorials: CANCELED
20 July 2020: Proposal Submission
27 July 2020: Proposal Notification
Virtual Online Conference:
10-13 November 2020