Poster submissions

We invite researchers to submit posters to be displayed during the poster session of the HAI 2022 conference, which will be held in Christchurch, New Zealand from 5 to 8 December. We seek contributions from a broad range of disciplines such as engineering, computer science, psychology, sociology, cognitive science, business, advertising/marketing and design.

Paper Length: up to 2 pages (excluding references). All papers MUST be in the ACM SIG Conference Paper format (2 columns, sample-sigconf.tex); be sure to leave the ACM copyright area blank. This area will be changed in accordance with the ACM publication process (including conference name, ISSN, etc.).  See Submissions page for details about anonymization.

Please note that in submitting their work, authors automatically commit to be a reviewer for the poster submissions. Authors will be asked to indicate their area(s) of expertise when submitting their work, and may be asked to serve as a reviewer for posters that fall into their area. 

All poster submissions will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, who will be composed of other authors and PC members, for quality assurance. Posters will be evaluated on the basis of research originality, significance, and relevance to HAI.

Authors of accepted posters are required to show their work as a poster during the poster session. During the poster sessions authors can display their work on a 1920×1080 pixel screen that is available at the venue. Authors will have to bring their own computer and a PDF slide with the poster. Please ensure that your slide has a high enough resolution and is in landscape format so it can be displayed properly. 

Submissions can be done here:

Venue for posters

Important Dates

  • First submission: EXTENDED TO August 19 
  • Notification of acceptance: September 9
  • Camera-ready copy: September 19